Litentry kaç TL?

Litentry kaç TL?

Decentralized identity protocol, Litentry, is a project that aims to bring self-sovereign identity to the blockchain. As blockchain technology continues to evolve and expand, the need for decentralized identity solutions becomes increasingly apparent. In this article, we will explore what Litentry is, how it works, and why it is an essential project in the world of blockchain and decentralized finance (DeFi).

What is Litentry?

Litentry is a decentralized identity aggregation protocol that enables users to aggregate their identity information across different networks and platforms. This information can include things like social media profiles, email addresses, phone numbers, and more. By aggregating this information on the blockchain, users have more control over their identity and how it is used.

How does Litentry work?

Litentry uses a technology called SubstraTEE, which is a combination of Substrate and TEE (Trusted Execution Environment). This technology ensures that users’ identity information is kept secure and private while still being accessible when needed. By using SubstraTEE, Litentry is able to provide a high level of privacy and security for users’ identity information.

Additionally, Litentry uses a unique indexing system called Merkle Trie, which enables quick and efficient storage and retrieval of identity information. This indexing system ensures that users can access their identity information quickly and easily, making Litentry a user-friendly platform for managing decentralized identities.

Why is Litentry important?

Decentralized identity solutions like Litentry are essential for the future of blockchain and DeFi for several reasons. First and foremost, decentralized identity puts users in control of their own data, allowing them to decide how and when their identity information is used. This is a stark contrast to the current model, where large tech companies hold massive amounts of user data with little oversight or transparency.

Furthermore, decentralized identity solutions like Litentry can help prevent identity theft and fraud by ensuring that users’ identity information is secure and tamper-proof. With the rise of digital assets and online transactions, the need for secure identity solutions has never been greater, making projects like Litentry crucial for the continued growth and adoption of blockchain technology.


In conclusion, Litentry is an important project in the world of blockchain and DeFi, providing a decentralized identity solution that puts users in control of their own data. By leveraging technologies like SubstraTEE and Merkle Trie, Litentry ensures that users’ identity information is secure, private, and easily accessible. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, projects like Litentry will play a vital role in shaping the future of digital identity and online security.

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